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Short-path distillation extraction CBD oil

The CBD comes from the cannabis leaf, so it can also be called cannabinol.
CBD (Cannabinol) is a compound that has shown promise in a variety of medical applications, from pain relief to relief of anxiety and many other diseases in between. Therefore, it's market prospects are very good, so it is a lot of people interested in how to extract the CBD.
The method of extracting CBD oil is carbon dioxide and steam distillation. Using these two methods can improve the efficiency of the whole process.
Advantages of carbon dioxide extraction CBD
Selective and tunable for different molecular weights
No residual solvent – ​​ideal for vape pens
Cold extraction and separation are very useful for temperature-sensitive extraction (ie, terpene preservation)
Minimal facility safety requirements/cost – with only logo and CO 2 monitor
Automated and easy to use
Method for extracting CBD by short-path distillation
To further refine the extract and separate the CBD, the oil is subjected to short path distillation. Since the extract is heated, each compound is then separated because the boiling points of each compound are different. Thus, each compound is isolated and can be used alone.
When the water is heated, the steam enters the plant flask and separates the oil vapor containing the CBD.
These vapors are then collected in a tube which is then condensed into oil and water.
Once collected, the mixture of oil and water is distilled to extract the CBD oil from the water.
Due to the high cost of CO2 extraction of CBD equipment, our company can provide you with a cheaper, short-path distillation kit for the extraction of CBD oil.

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